As always after a crash, especially a major one with high numbers of fatalities, everyone wants answers.
These are not always available soon after the event and in this case it has opened a discussion about an aircraft design that may or may not have been a factor.What is clear that the similarities between this crash and that of the Lion Air crash in Indonesia have stirred up a heated debate of the design features on this relatively new Boeing.
In the Lion Air case there seems to have been a fault in one of the aircraft sensors that led to an uncommented pitch down trim input that caused the aircraft to pitch down and crash at high speed.The crew were not fully conversant with the automated system that initiated this accident, apparently due to a policy by Boeing about not overloading pilots with too much technical information. Whatever the reasons for that decision the crew were ill equipped to deal with a sudden unexpected even at low lever and the Ethiopian crash was also just after takeoff, at low level and high speed ; inevitably the focus is now on the possibility that a similar event occurred.
This will be updated as more information comes to light.but given aviation authorities around the world are banning the model of 737, it seems that this is seen as a high priority to investigate.